Louis-Hadrien Robert |
Universität Hamburg |
Thursday June 11 |
The colored $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-homology |
beamerporto.pdf |
http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.08451 |
Luke Wolcott |
Lawrence University |
Saturday June 13 |
A classification of math-art work |
portoabstract-1111-00-781.pdf |
PortoConf-math-art.pdf |
Luke Wolcott |
Lawrence University |
Saturday June 13 |
Bousfield lattice invariants of triangulated symmetric monoidal categories |
portoabstract-1111-18-782.pdf |
beamer-porto-BL.pdf |
Lurdes Sousa |
Saturday June 13 |
On injectivity of locales and spaces |
Abstract.pdf |
Slides_AMS2015.pdf |
http://www.mat.uc.pt/preprints/ps/p1426.pdf |
Manuela Aguiar |
University of Porto |
Saturday June 13 |
Heteroclinic cycles and networks in coupled cell systems |
AMS-EMS_SPM_2015_Abstract.pdf |
Slides_AMS_EMS_SPM_Porto_2015.pdf |
Marco Morandotti |
SISSA, Trieste, Italy |
Thursday June 11 |
Homogenization of functionals with linear growth in the context of $\mathcal{A}$-quasiconvexity |
morandotti-AMS-EMS-SPM-Porto-2015_06_11.pdf |
Marco Morandotti |
SISSA, Trieste, Italy |
Friday June 12 |
Dynamics for a system of screw dislocations |
morandotti-AMS-EMS-SPM-Porto-2015_06_12.pdf |
Maria Vaz Pinto |
Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal |
Saturday June 13 |
Regularity of vanishing ideals associated to certain families of graphs |
201506Porto.pdf |
Martin Raussen |
Aalborg University |
Friday June 12 |
Combinatorial and topological models for spaces of schedules |
portoabs.pdf |
portonew.pdf |
Mats Boij |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Thursday June 11 |
The non-Lefschetz locus of artinian complete intersections |
AMS-EMS-SPM_Porto_2015_Boij.pdf |