Sian Fryer |
University of Leeds |
Saturday June 13 |
On prime ideals in quantum matrices and Poisson-primes in the semi-classical limit |
1111-16-364.pdf |
porto.pdf | |
Alexander Lohse |
University of Porto |
Saturday June 13 |
Existence and stability of heteroclinic networks in $\mathbb{R}^4$ |
abstract_1111-34-517.pdf |
Lohse.pdf |
Manuela Aguiar |
University of Porto |
Saturday June 13 |
Heteroclinic cycles and networks in coupled cell systems |
AMS-EMS_SPM_2015_Abstract.pdf |
Slides_AMS_EMS_SPM_Porto_2015.pdf |
Miguel Sánchez |
Universidad de Granada |
Saturday June 13 |
Wind Finsler structures: from Zermelo’s navigation to the causality of spacetimes |
Sanchez_Abstract.pdf |
Sanchez_Oporto.pdf | |
Ale Jan Homburg |
University of Amsterdam |
Saturday June 13 |
Codimension one homoclinic cycles |
Homburg-Porto.pdf |
Lotte Hollands |
University of Oxford |
Saturday June 13 |
Spectral networks, opers and the T[3] theory |
emsPorto-LotteHollands.pdf |
Lurdes Sousa |
Saturday June 13 |
On injectivity of locales and spaces |
Abstract.pdf |
Slides_AMS2015.pdf | |
Matteo Negri |
University of Pavia |
Saturday June 13 |
BV evolutions in phase field fracture |
slides.pdf | |
Eduard Feireisl |
Institute of Mathematics AVCR |
Saturday June 13 |
Weak and strong solutions to problems arising in dynamics of inviscid fluids |
Feireisl_Porto.pdf |
Stathis Antoniou |
National Technical University of Athens |
Saturday June 13 |
Extending Topological Surgery to Natural Processes |
ExtendingTS_Abstract_StathisAntoniou_AMS.pdf |
ExtendingTS_StathisAntoniou_AMS.pdf |