
Name Affiliation Daysort descending Title Abstract Presentation Article link
Miguel Sánchez Universidad de Granada Saturday June 13 Wind Finsler structures: from Zermelo’s navigation to the causality of spacetimes Sanchez_Abstract.pdf Sanchez_Oporto.pdf
Ale Jan Homburg University of Amsterdam Saturday June 13 Codimension one homoclinic cycles Homburg-Porto.pdf
Lotte Hollands University of Oxford Saturday June 13 Spectral networks, opers and the T[3] theory emsPorto-LotteHollands.pdf
Lurdes Sousa IPV / CMUC Saturday June 13 On injectivity of locales and spaces Abstract.pdf Slides_AMS2015.pdf
Matteo Negri University of Pavia Saturday June 13 BV evolutions in phase field fracture slides.pdf
Eduard Feireisl Institute of Mathematics AVCR Saturday June 13 Weak and strong solutions to problems arising in dynamics of inviscid fluids Feireisl_Porto.pdf
Stathis Antoniou National Technical University of Athens Saturday June 13 Extending Topological Surgery to Natural Processes ExtendingTS_Abstract_StathisAntoniou_AMS.pdf ExtendingTS_StathisAntoniou_AMS.pdf
Alessandra Bernardi Univeristy of Bologna (Italy) Saturday June 13 On the cactus variety of cubic forms Porto.pdf
Maria Vaz Pinto Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Saturday June 13 Regularity of vanishing ideals associated to certain families of graphs 201506Porto.pdf
