Alexander Lohse |
University of Porto |
Saturday June 13 |
Existence and stability of heteroclinic networks in $\mathbb{R}^4$ |
abstract_1111-34-517.pdf |
Lohse.pdf |
Hartmut Weiss |
CAU Kiel |
Friday June 12 |
Ends of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles |
1111-53-228.pdf |
talk_porto_handout.pdf |
Marco Morandotti |
SISSA, Trieste, Italy |
Friday June 12 |
Dynamics for a system of screw dislocations |
morandotti-AMS-EMS-SPM-Porto-2015_06_12.pdf |
Diener |
Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis |
Thursday June 11 |
Distribution of implicit interest rate for microcredit |
AMSEMSdiener.pdf |
Diener-Microcredit-Porto.pdf |
Ingo Runkel |
Hamburg University |
Friday June 12 |
Defects, orbifolds and spin |
Runkel-Porto.pdf | |
Alberto A. Álvarez-López |
Wednesday June 10 |
Decision analysis under uncertainty in a model of sports economics |
1111-91-618.pdf |
Presentation.pdf |
Emanuele Rodaro |
CMUP, University of Porto |
Saturday June 13 |
Decidability vs Undecidability of the word problem in HNN-extensions of inverse semigroups |
Undecidability_vs_Decidability_HNN.pdf |
João Caramalho Domingues |
Universidade do Minho |
Wednesday June 10 |
Cunha's calculus in its times |
CunhaCalculusTimes_abstract.pdf |
CunhaCalculusTimes.pdf |
Stefano Cremonesi |
King's College London |
Friday June 12 |
Coulomb branch of 3d N=4 theories and the moduli space of instantons |
talk_Porto_v2.pdf | |
Frank-Olme Speck |
Universidade de Lisboa |
Friday June 12 |
Convolution type operators with symmetry |
AbstractIM15Speck.pdf |
TalkIM15Speck.pdf |