Sílvia Anjos |
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa |
Thursday June 11 |
Seidel's morphism of toric 4-manifolds |
AbstractAMS-EMS-SPM.pdf |
SeidelMorphism_Anjos.pdf |
http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.7641 |
Pedro Duarte |
Thursday June 11 |
Large deviation estimates for Markovian cocycles |
LargeDeviations.pdf |
Helio Schechtman |
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz |
Thursday June 11 |
Stage-structured model for Aedes Aegypti and Wolbachia interaction |
Abstract_Final_Alternative.pdf |
Porto0615.pdf |
Yorck Sommerhäuser |
Memorial University of Newfoundland |
Thursday June 11 |
Triviality Theorems for Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf Algebras |
Porto2015Abstr.pdf |
Porto2015VortrV1.pdf |
http://arxiv.org/abs/1503.09181 |
Mats Boij |
KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Thursday June 11 |
The non-Lefschetz locus of artinian complete intersections |
AMS-EMS-SPM_Porto_2015_Boij.pdf |
Leo Alonso |
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela |
Thursday June 11 |
Hopf algebroids belong in commutative algebra |
PortoPila.ho_.pdf |
Antonio Macchia |
Philipps University, Marburg |
Thursday June 11 |
On the ideal of orthogonal representations of a graph in R^2 |
TalkAntonioMacchia.pdf |
Alexandre Almeida |
CIDMA, University of Aveiro |
Thursday June 11 |
Atomic Decompositions in Variable 2-Microlocal Spaces and Applications |
Talk_Almeida_Porto2015-1.pdf |
D. E. Edmunds |
University of Sussex |
Thursday June 11 |
Approximation numbers of a Sobolev embedding |
Talk_Edmunds_Porto2015-1.pdf |
Ales Nekvinda |
Department of Mathematics, Czech Technical University in Prague |
Thursday June 11 |
Maximal operator on variable exponent spaces |
Talk_Nekvinda_Porto2015-1.pdf |