Alexander Meskhi |
A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia |
Wednesday June 10 |
One-sided operators in grand variable exponent Lebesgue spaces |
Talk_Meskhi_Porto2015-3.pdf |
Petteri Harjulehto |
University of Turku |
Wednesday June 10 |
The Riesz potential in generalized Orlicz spaces |
Talk_Harjulehto_Porto2015-1.pdf |
Peter Hästö |
University of Oulu |
Wednesday June 10 |
The maximal operator in generalized Orlicz spaces |
Talk_Hasto_Porto2015-1.pdf |
Alexei Karlovich |
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal |
Wednesday June 10 |
Maximally modulated Hilbert transform and its applications to pseudodifferential operators on variable Lebesgue spaces |
Talk_Karlovich_Porto2015-1.pdf |
Henning Kempka |
Technische Universität Chemnitz |
Wednesday June 10 |
Variable exponent Lorentz spaces |
abstract_Kempka.pdf |
Talk_Kempka_Porto2015-2.pdf |
Yoshihiro Sawano |
Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Wednesday June 10 |
Hardy spaces with variable exponents and generalized Campanato spaces |
Talk_Sawano_Porto2015-2.pdf |
Alberto Fiorenza |
Università di Napoli Federico II |
Thursday June 11 |
On “essentially variable” variable Lebesgue space problems |
1111-46-465abstract.pdf |
FiorenzaTalk.pdf |
Alexandre Almeida |
CIDMA, University of Aveiro |
Thursday June 11 |
Atomic Decompositions in Variable 2-Microlocal Spaces and Applications |
Talk_Almeida_Porto2015-1.pdf |
D. E. Edmunds |
University of Sussex |
Thursday June 11 |
Approximation numbers of a Sobolev embedding |
Talk_Edmunds_Porto2015-1.pdf |
Ales Nekvinda |
Department of Mathematics, Czech Technical University in Prague |
Thursday June 11 |
Maximal operator on variable exponent spaces |
Talk_Nekvinda_Porto2015-1.pdf |