Pedro Macias Marques |
Universidade de Évora |
Friday June 12 |
Symmetric decomposition of the associated graded algebra of a Gorenstein Artinian algebra |
20150611abstract.pdf |
20150612AMSEMSSPMPortoAGApresentcorrigida.pdf |
Filipa Soares |
CEMAT/Ciências & ISEL/IPL |
Friday June 12 |
The Howson property for semidirect products of semilattices by groups |
AMS_Porto2015_Abstract.pdf |
FSoares_Howson_Porto2015.pdf | |
Arkady Berenstein |
University of Oregon |
Friday June 12 |
Integrable clusters |
integrable.clusters.slides.pdf | |
Martin Raussen |
Aalborg University |
Friday June 12 |
Combinatorial and topological models for spaces of schedules |
portoabs.pdf |
portonew.pdf |
Stefano Cremonesi |
King's College London |
Friday June 12 |
Coulomb branch of 3d N=4 theories and the moduli space of instantons |
talk_Porto_v2.pdf | |
Xabier García-Martínez |
University of Santiago de Compostela |
Friday June 12 |
Universal central extensions of Lie-Rinehart algebras |
Universal_Central_Extensions_of_Lie-Rinehart_Algebras.pdf |
Hartmut Weiss |
CAU Kiel |
Friday June 12 |
Ends of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles |
1111-53-228.pdf |
talk_porto_handout.pdf |
Christos Sourdis |
University of Turin |
Friday June 12 |
Analysis of an irregular boundary layer behavior for the steady state flow of a Boussinesq fluid |
Sourdis_PORTO.pdf | |
Walter Van Assche |
KU Leuven |
Friday June 12 |
Unicity of certain solutions of discrete Painlevé II |
Porto-wva.pdf |
P Zhevandrov |
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo |
Friday June 12 |
Water waves trapped by thin horizontal cylinders in one- and two-layer fluid |
Zhevandrov.pdf |
Porto2015.pdf |