
Namesort descending Affiliation Day Title Abstract Presentation Article link
Victoria Gould University of York Friday June 12 Free idempotent generated semigroups and the endomorphism monoid of a free $G$-act porto2015gouldabstract.pdf porto20158unpausedgould.pdf
Vladimir Shpilrain The City College of New York Saturday June 13 Cayley graph of $SL_2(F_p)$ and applications to hashing hash2015.pdf
Walter Van Assche KU Leuven Friday June 12 Unicity of certain solutions of discrete Painlevé II Porto-wva.pdf
Wielonsky Université Aix-Marseille Friday June 12 Lax pairs and Riemann-Hilbert problems for conjugate conductivity equations abstract.pdf Porto.pdf
Winfried Bruns Universotät Osnabrück Thursday June 11 Normaliz: a tutorial Porto_WB.pdf NormalizPorto.pdf
Xabier García-Martínez University of Santiago de Compostela Friday June 12 Universal central extensions of Lie-Rinehart algebras Universal_Central_Extensions_of_Lie-Rinehart_Algebras.pdf
Yongqiang Fu Harbin Institute of Technology Friday June 12 Several Kinds of Variable Exponent Spaces Talk_Fu_Porto2015-2.pdf
Yorck Sommerhäuser Memorial University of Newfoundland Thursday June 11 Triviality Theorems for Yetter-Drinfel'd Hopf Algebras Porto2015Abstr.pdf Porto2015VortrV1.pdf
Yoshihiro Sawano Tokyo Metropolitan University Wednesday June 10 Hardy spaces with variable exponents and generalized Campanato spaces Talk_Sawano_Porto2015-2.pdf
