
Namesort descending Affiliation Day Title Abstract Presentation Article link
Matteo Negri University of Pavia Saturday June 13 BV evolutions in phase field fracture slides.pdf
Matthew M. Jones Middlesex University London Saturday June 13 Composition operators induced by universal covering maps PORTOAbstract.pdf PORTO2015.pdf doi:10.1016/j.jfa.2014.11.003
Michael Helmers University of Bonn Thursday June 11 A simple model for coarsening in infinite particle systems abstract.pdf slides.pdf
Michael Weiner Penn State Altoona Wednesday June 10 COLORED PARTITIONS OF A CONVEX POLYGON BY NON-INTERSECTING DIAGONALS abstract-porto.pdf weiner-porto.pdf
Miguel Abreu Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa Saturday June 13 Kaehler-Sasaki metrics on toric symplectic cones MAbreu-talk-notes.pdf
Miguel Sánchez Universidad de Granada Saturday June 13 Wind Finsler structures: from Zermelo’s navigation to the causality of spacetimes Sanchez_Abstract.pdf Sanchez_Oporto.pdf
Milena Pabiniak IST Lisbon Thursday June 11 On displaceability of pre-Lagrangians in toric contact manifolds contact_displaceability_Porto.pdf
Nataliya Goncharuk Higher School of Economics, Independent University of Moscow Friday June 12 Genera of non-algebraic leaves of polynomial foliations of $\mathbb C^2$ abstractPorto.pdf slidesJune2015-YK.pdf
Nathan Pflueger Brown University Friday June 12 Tableux in Brill-Noether Theory tableaux_short.pdf
Osvaldo Mendez University of Texas-El Paso Friday June 12 Modular eigenvalues of the variable exponent p-Laplacian Talk_Mendez_Porto2015.pdf
