
Name Affiliation Day Title Abstract Presentation Article link
Katrin Wendland Freiburg University Friday June 12 Supersymmetry decomposes the virtual bundle that underlies the elliptic genus WendlandK_Porto.pdf Porto2015_Wendland.pdf
Lotte Hollands University of Oxford Saturday June 13 Spectral networks, opers and the T[3] theory emsPorto-LotteHollands.pdf
Ricardo Couso-Santamaria Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon Wednesday June 10 The theory of resurgence in matrix models and topological strings AMS_EMS_SMP_2015_Ricardo_Couso-Santamaria.pdf
Sergei Alexandrov CNRS, Montpellier University Wednesday June 10 Symmetries of string compactifications and generalization of Freed-Witten anomaly abstract.pdf Alexandrov-Porto-2015.pdf
Stefano Cremonesi King's College London Friday June 12 Coulomb branch of 3d N=4 theories and the moduli space of instantons talk_Porto_v2.pdf