
Name Affiliation Day Titlesort descending Abstract Presentation Article link
Michael Weiner Penn State Altoona Wednesday June 10 COLORED PARTITIONS OF A CONVEX POLYGON BY NON-INTERSECTING DIAGONALS abstract-porto.pdf weiner-porto.pdf
Peter McNamara Bucknell University Thursday June 11 Comparing skew Schur functions: a quasisymmetric perspective slides.pdf
Aram Emami Department of mathematics, university of Fasa, Iran Thursday June 11 Growth diagrams and a Lascoux’s non-symmetric Cauchy identity over near staircases. ams-abstract.pdf ams-ems-spm-Porto-10jun.pdf
Lecouvey LMPT TOURS Thursday June 11 Quantisation of Littlewood-Richardson coefficients beyond type A Porto2015.pdf Porto2015.pdf