
Name Affiliation Daysort ascending Title Abstract Presentation Article link
José M M Senovilla University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU Saturday June 13 Umbilical properties of co-dimension two submanifolds Abstract.pdf Porto15.pdf
Miguel Sánchez Universidad de Granada Saturday June 13 Wind Finsler structures: from Zermelo’s navigation to the causality of spacetimes Sanchez_Abstract.pdf Sanchez_Oporto.pdf
Beig Gravitational Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna Friday June 12 Relativistic Celestial Mechanics of Elastic Bodies abstract.pdf slide-porto1.pdf
Shabnam Beheshti Queen Mary University of London and Rutgers University Friday June 12 Harmonic Maps, the Xanthopoulos Conjecture and Analysis of Singularities in General Relativity 1111-83-476.pdf AMS_EMS_SPM_SS38-BEHESHTI-slides.pdf
Raül Vera UPV/EHU Friday June 12 Revisiting Hartle’s model using perturbed matching theory to second order: amending the change in mass 1111-83-594.pdf porto_2015_1.pdf