
Name Affiliation Day Title Abstract Presentation Article link
Louis-Hadrien Robert Universität Hamburg Thursday June 11 The colored $\mathfrak{sl}_3$-homology beamerporto.pdf
Luke Wolcott Lawrence University Saturday June 13 A classification of math-art work portoabstract-1111-00-781.pdf PortoConf-math-art.pdf
Luke Wolcott Lawrence University Saturday June 13 Bousfield lattice invariants of triangulated symmetric monoidal categories portoabstract-1111-18-782.pdf beamer-porto-BL.pdf
Lurdes Sousa IPV / CMUC Saturday June 13 On injectivity of locales and spaces Abstract.pdf Slides_AMS2015.pdf
Manuela Aguiar University of Porto Saturday June 13 Heteroclinic cycles and networks in coupled cell systems AMS-EMS_SPM_2015_Abstract.pdf Slides_AMS_EMS_SPM_Porto_2015.pdf
Marco Morandotti SISSA, Trieste, Italy Thursday June 11 Homogenization of functionals with linear growth in the context of $\mathcal{A}$-quasiconvexity morandotti-AMS-EMS-SPM-Porto-2015_06_11.pdf
Marco Morandotti SISSA, Trieste, Italy Friday June 12 Dynamics for a system of screw dislocations morandotti-AMS-EMS-SPM-Porto-2015_06_12.pdf
Maria Vaz Pinto Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Saturday June 13 Regularity of vanishing ideals associated to certain families of graphs 201506Porto.pdf
Martin Raussen Aalborg University Friday June 12 Combinatorial and topological models for spaces of schedules portoabs.pdf portonew.pdf
Mats Boij KTH Royal Institute of Technology Thursday June 11 The non-Lefschetz locus of artinian complete intersections AMS-EMS-SPM_Porto_2015_Boij.pdf
