
Namesort descending Affiliation Day Title Abstract Presentation Article link
Helder Pinto CIDMA - University of Aveiro Wednesday June 10 The reasons behind the request of the mathematician Gomes Teixeira to be transferred to the Polytechnic Academy of Porto abstract_hpinto.pdf helder_pinto_ams_ems_meeting_final.pdf
João Caramalho Domingues Universidade do Minho Wednesday June 10 Cunha's calculus in its times CunhaCalculusTimes_abstract.pdf CunhaCalculusTimes.pdf
Rui Santos School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria and CEAUL Thursday June 11 Continuous probabilities, random points, Bernoulli's theorems, and geometric probability applications RSantos_Porto.pdf RSantos_11_june_Porto.pdf